

By default, any configuration you add in your own panda.config.js file is smartly merged with the default configuration, allowing your override or extend specific parts of the configuration.

You can specify a preset in your panda.config.js file by using the presets option:

import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
export default defineConfig({
  presets: ['@acmecorp/panda-preset']

Creating a preset

Presets are also valid Panda configuration objects, taking a similar shape to the configuration you would add in your panda.config.ts file.


Note: Every preset must have a unique name.

// my-preset.js
import { definePreset } from '@pandacss/dev'
export default definePreset({
  name: 'my-preset',
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        rose: {
          50: { value: '#fff1f2' },
          // ...
          800: { value: '#9f2233' }

You can then use this preset in your panda.config.ts file:

// panda.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
import myPreset from './my-preset'
export default defineConfig({
  presets: [myPreset]

The available keys for a preset are:

Asynchronous presets

There are cases where you need to perform logic to determine the content of your preset, you'd call functions to do this. In cases where they're asynchronous; panda allows promises, given that they resolve to a valid preset object.

// my-preset.js
export default async function myPreset() {
  const roseColors = await getRoseColors()
  return definePreset({
    name: 'my-preset',
    theme: {
      tokens: {
        colors: {
          rose: roseColors

You can then use this preset in your panda.config.ts file:

// panda.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
import myPreset from './my-preset'
export default defineConfig({
  presets: [myPreset()]

Which panda presets will be included ?

Visual helper

  • @pandacss/preset-base: ALWAYS included if NOT using eject: true

  • @pandacss/preset-panda: only included by default if you haven't specified the presets config option, otherwise you'll have to include that preset by yourself like so:

import pandaPreset from '@pandacss/preset-panda'
import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  presets: [pandaPreset, myCustomPreset]

Minimal setup

If you want to use Panda with the bare minimum, without any of the defaults, you can read more about it here