
Color opacity modifier

Every utilities connected to the colors tokens in the @pandacss/preset-base (included by default) can use the color-mix (opens in a new tab) CSS function. This means for example: background, backgroundColor, color, border, borderColor, etc.

This function allows you to mix two colors together, and we use it to change the opacity of a color using the {color}/{opacity} syntax.

You can use it like this:

  bg: 'red.300/40',
  color: 'white'

This will generate:

@layer utilities {
  .bg_red\.300\/40 {
    --mix-background: color-mix(
      in srgb,
      var(--colors-red-300) 40%,
    background: var(--mix-background, var(--colors-red-300));
  .text_white {
    color: var(--colors-white);
  • If you're not using any opacity, the utility will not use color-mix
  • The utility will automatically fallback to the original color if the color-mix function is not supported by the browser.
  • You can use any of the color tokens, and any of the opacity tokens.

The utilities transform function also receives a utils object that contains the colorMix function, so you can also use it on your own utilities:

export default defineConfig({
  utilities: {
    background: {
      shorthand: 'bg',
      className: 'bg',
      values: 'colors',
      transform(value, args) {
        const mix = args.utils.colorMix(value)
        // This can happen if the value format is invalid (e.g. `bg: red.300/invalid` or `bg: red.300//10`)
        if (mix.invalid) return { background: value }
        return {
          background: mix.value

Here's a cool snippet (that we use internally !) that makes it easier to create a utility transform for a given property:

import type { PropertyTransform } from '@pandacss/types'
export const createColorMixTransform =
  (prop: string): PropertyTransform =>
  (value, args) => {
    const mix = args.utils.colorMix(value)
    if (mix.invalid) return { [prop]: value }
    const cssVar = '--mix-' + prop
    return {
      [cssVar]: mix.value,
      [prop]: `var(${cssVar}, ${mix.color})`

then the same utility transform as above can be written like this:

export default defineConfig({
  utilities: {
    background: {
      shorthand: "bg",
      className: "bg",
      values: "colors",
      transform: createColorMixTransform("background"),